Overwhelmed by WHMIS?

Make Chemical Safety a Snap

SDS RiskAssist is your fast, complete WHMIS compliance software solution in one easy-to-use app.

Save time updating your Safety Data Sheets, improve safety procedures, and train workers in a flash to reduce the risk of injuries, lost time and fines.

Request Demo

Get your free demo of SDS RiskAssist

SDS RiskAssist COS Mag winner 2024 SDS management software

Find out what you don't know about the chemicals in your workplace and make chemical safety a snap.

No commitments. No payment required. View our privacy policy here.

Send your request and we'll respond back by email within 24 hours

Get a demo of the most sophisticated SDS Management software

One week away from a safer workplace

How It Works

Watch the video below to see how SDS RiskAssist works.

SDS RiskAssist is the SDS management and chemical safety software Readers' Choice.
SDS RiskAssist wins 2024 Readers' Choice Award for SDS management solution software - COS magazine

If you're not doing these 3 WHMIS tasks, you're not taking "every reasonable precaution to protect workers"

A Worker with up to date SDS database on iPad
Ensure all workers have 24/7 access to up-to-date safety data sheets
A worker who has identified high risk products and wearing appropriate PPE
Identify high-risk products and customize safety procedures
A properly trained worker working as mechanic
Provide job-specific training (general WHMIS education is not enough!)

With SDS RiskAssist you can easily meet all WHMIS requirements to keep employees safe.

Every workplace has chemical hazards

SDS RiskAssist is the only SDS software that instantly analyzes all your safety data sheets to flag hidden hazards and help you prioritize and improve chemical safety processes. In seconds you'll know:

Cancer in the lungs

What products may cause cancer or other long latency diseases

Fatality from mixing chemicals

What products can react to produce potentially fatal results

Pregnant worker exposed to chemical hazards

What products pregnant workers should avoid

Concerned about your chemical products?

Try our free occupational exposure limits finder to scan for regulatory requirements.

Leading organizations trust SDS RiskAssist to keep workers, students, and customers safe

Queens University Logo
City of Toronto Logo
Northumberland County Logo

Healthcare • Government • Manufacturing • Laboratories • Education • Hospitality Construction

Everything you need for better, faster chemical safety decisions

Work with chemical management software that easily searches and finds your reproductive hazards, cancer causing products, and other harmful health hazards.

Use the safer chemicals feature to find alternative products that are not as hazardous to your employees.

And so much more with SDS RiskAssist.

SDS RiskAssist on a tablet showing the WHMIS summary dashboard including chemical hazards overview

SDS RiskAssist on Laptop showcasing the digital e binder of Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets updated in a snap with better SDS Management Software

No more binder flipping or lost pages with a SDS Management system that puts everything at your finger tips and tells you exactly where you stand on your SDS updates.

Find what you're looking for with an intuitive dashboard that makes it easy to view, sort, prioritize and manage critical chemical hazards

Meet your WHMIS chemical specific training requirements with SafetySnaps™

Fully automated SafetySnaps provide clear, concise summaries for all your SDSs with easy-to-understand instructions and PPE requirements.

Workers get all the info they need at a glance to stay safe and reduce the risk of incidents that can cause harm and lost time, delays and major fines.

SDS RiskAssist makes understanding chemical hazards a snap on mobile devices!

You're a snap away from a safer workplace

Try SDS RiskAssist for free today. No commitments, obligations, or payment information needed.

Easy onboarding

Upload your SDS collection and see your dashboard summary.

Assess hazards

In seconds you'll know what products to focus on, such as those that may cause cancer.

Control hazards

Use our tools to find safer

products & customize chemical handling instructions.

Train workers

Provide chemical-specific training where it’s needed with automated SafetySnaps & on-demand modules.

Sustain success

Keep your system up to date and integrated with other workplace software seamlessly.

Request Demo

Get your free demo of SDS RiskAssist

SDS RiskAssist COS Mag winner 2024 SDS management software

Find out what you don't know about the chemicals in your workplace and make chemical safety a snap.

No commitments. No payment required. View our privacy policy here.

Send your request and we'll respond back by email within 24 hours

Get a demo of the most sophisticated SDS Management software

One week away from a safer workplace

Quinte West Logo

Precise, relevant training

SDS RiskAssist allowed us to provide precise, relevant chemical-specific training to employees in all departments while meeting the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act thus ensuring good chemical-related workplace safety.

Richard Anderson

Health & Safety Officer, City of Quinte West

Loyalist College Logo

Safer chemical choices

SDS RiskAssist aided us in transitioning to using less harmful and safer chemical options than we had in the past. This led to the disposal of over 200 chemicals including 16 that were carcinogens and 9 that were fatal if inhaled.

Greg Allen

Biosciences Lab Coordinator Loyalist College

Unite Here Dental Logo

Intuitive and accessible

SDS RiskAssist is intuitive and is a great resource for our staff, who find it much more accessible than binders or an online document repository. Visiting the site is becoming routine and the chemical-handling information is clear and consistent

Dr. Evangelia Iperifanou

Dental Director Unite Here Wellness & Dental Centre

Experience the next generation

Learn more about chemical safety and SDS management

A Whitepaper:


Discover the gap that exists between the intent of WHMIS and the on-the-ground reality.

A Guide to SDS Management

Learn everything you need to know about Safety Data Sheet Management.

A Guide To Chemical Safety Compliance

Chemical safety compliance has a steep learning curve and this guide can help.

Designated Substances

Found out more about Designated Substances in Ontario.

SDS RiskAssist

is a winner - again!

SDS RiskAssist COS Mag winner 2024 SDS management software

Find out why Canadian Occupational Safety readers voted us best SDS management solution: